First off, I moved. Twice. I know that is kinda crazy, but it happened. I was living on my own for a while and decided that wasn't right for me. So I talked with my mister right, and we decided to rent a beautiful place together! It's nothing huge, and we are waiting for furniture to show up so it feels more home like, but it works for us. We also got a fake tree (I hate them so much), and a fake fireplace to make the home into what we wanted. It really is a beautiful place. There is one downfall though. It's the upstairs of a duplex in the middle of town and I have no yard to garden in. We do have a small porch off of our bedroom though so I will be able to grow things there.
As for other big news, I have switched jobs a few times. I did learn quite a bit about myself by doing so. For a while I was working at a local grocery store chain. They switched me to overnights, and I loved it. However, the location I was at changed store hours so they eliminated my position. They tried moving me onto days in the deli, and I decided I didn't enjoy working with all of those people anymore. So I left the company that I had spent all of my working life at and switched to telemarketing. Let me tell you folks, it is not something for the faint of heart. I was in a sales campaign and the number of people that screamed at me was unbelievable. I can't imagine working in collections or something along those lines. I lasted there for about two months and have been free pretty much since then :-) I have been doing some light temp work though a company in town to keep myself entertained some days, but otherwise it is just me and the dust bunnies!
Also, moving in with the Mister has lead me to do a ton more cooking! Yeah!!! As for recipes, there are going to be a ton here before Christmas being posted, so be on the look out for them.
Speaking of Christmas, this year has kinda been a little crazy. With both of us officially being moved out, we are buying lots of gifts for both families on top of some annoying bills that all want to be payed. I have fallen behind on knitting, boo. However, I am thinking I am going to be picking it back up in an effort to make some money from it. I figure if I start knitting hats, mittens, and other warm gear just after New Years, that I will have a healthy stock pile to sell from come next winter. If anyone is looking for any gifts to be made, feel free to leave a comment and I will certainly get back to you on it!
Any way, Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe and warm New Year!
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