Monday, December 14, 2015

Twice Baked Potatoes

While I was spending time up with the Mister, his mom taught me how to make twice baked potatoes. They are absolutely amazing and delicious. I wanted to eat a bunch of them (and I did). I ended up being super full because I ate the equivalent of 2 potatoes in addition to three chicken legs. I am a poor college student, so I eat when I can. The recipe is super easy, and yes my wonderful people, I am going to share it. I need to make them again so I can add pictures.

6 bakers potatoes (the bigger the better)
Sour Cream
2 cups Shredded cheddar cheese
2 meal Shake and Bake box (any flavor, we used Parmesan)

1) Wash the potatoes to remove any dirt that came with them. Don't scrub, just get them clean.
2) Cook the potatoes until they are soft on the inside. If you use the microwave like we did, pierce each potato multiple times and place on a plate. Cook for about 20 minutes or until soft. The softer these are, the easier it is to complete later steps.
3) Once the taters are cooked lay them out and figure out what side is the "flat side". This will be the side that will be on the pan when you bake them. Stand them up on the "round edge" and cut them in half.
4) Scoop out the insides into a large mixing bowl leaving just a little bit to allow the potato skin to keep its shape. Mix in a big scoop of sour cream (1-ish cup), 1-ish cups of shredded cheddar cheese, and 1 packet of shake and bake. Stir all of this together really well.
5) Using the second packet of shake and bake and the remainder of the cheese, mix together in the shaker bag that comes with it.
6) Take the potato mixture and fill the potatoes back up and place on a baking sheet. They will over fill a little, that's the point of these delicious things. Sprinkle the shake and bake/cheese mix over top of the potatoes. Use all of it.
7) Bake at 350 degrees until they are warmed all the way through and the cheese is melted. Serve topped with a little more sour cream or use butter.

That's all it is! Super yummy and on the not super expensive end of things when it comes to food. Not healthy, but who's keeping track of that.

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